Welcome to the lab, Brady!

Brady Goulden from the BCMB program is rotating in our lab, aiming to investigate lipid organization and regulation at synapses. Welcome to the lab!

Congratulations, Yuuta!

Yuuta received a Young Investigator’s Day Program Award from the Hopkins. This award is given annually to recognize excellent research undertaken by students or postdoctoral fellows at the school of medicine (https://hopkinsyidp.org/). Congratulations!

Welcome to the lab, Chelsy!

Chelsy, a BCMB student, is doing her rotation in our lab, looking at vesicle protein sorting mechanisms! Welcome to the lab!

Season’s greetings!

Happy Holidays from the Watanabe lab!

We are getting a little lazy updating our website… This year’s competition at the Department Xmas party was on the ugly sweater. We didn’t quite win the prize but made a nice one!

Now, the lab is growing, and we cannot fit everyone into the photos…

2018 was a fantastic year, securing funding for research! 2019 will be the productive year (at least we hope it to be 🙂

NIH R01 awarded!

Congrats to the lab! We will investigate how synaptic transmission is spatially and temporally controlled at mammalian central synapses.

NIH DP2 awarded!!

The awardees for 2018 New Innovator’s award were announced today (see here). Congratulations to the lab! We will revive electron microscopy for synaptic cell biology. Stay tuned!

Both papers are published!



Please visit our publication page for the pdfs!

Welcome to the lab, Rawson!

Rawson joined the lab as an undergraduate research assistant, actually a while back.. In any case, welcome to the lab!