Kie’s work at Iijima/Sesaki labs describing the role of a brain-specific splice variant of Drp1 is now published in eLife link!
Category Archives: Research
Welcome to the lab, Leighton!
Leighton Duncan from the BCMB program is rotating in our lab! Welcome to the lab!
Shigeki named a Klingenstein-Simons Fellow
Our research will be funded by the Klingenstein-Simons Foundation.
Shigeki named a McKnight Scholar, Class of 2019
Our research on synaptic membrane trafficking will be supported by the McKnight Foundation!
Chelsy and Brady joined the lab!
Chelsy and Brady decided to perform their thesis research in our lab!!
Welcome to the lab, Kie!
Kie joined the lab as a postdoc/lab tech. Welcome to the lab!!
Congratulations, Tyler and Brady!
Tyler and Brady received the NSF graduate research fellowship!! Congratulations!
Shigeki at NAS
Shigeki is invited to the Kavli Frontiers of Science symposium.
“This symposium series is the Academy’s premiere activity for distinguished young scientists. Unlike meetings that cover a single, narrow slice of science, these symposia are designed to provide an overview of advances and opportunities in a wide-ranging set of disciplines and to provide an opportunity for the future leaders of science to build a network with their colleagues.”
Welcome to the lab, Joseph!
Joseph Du joined the lab as an undergraduate research associate. Welcome to the lab!